Adventure in Spain 2025!

We are travelling to Spain at Easter of 2025! We are using EF as our travel company once again. Please contact Pam at 306-861-9416 or Lindsay at 306-861-5753, if you are interested in coming with us. You can also find more details at and search for our tour with the number given above in the pic to see our itinerary. We already have many excited travellers ready to rip!

Top random moments of the trips not included in the other lists

Joe losing a tooth

Popularity of Grandpa Randy from Eston

The phrase of “when in Rome”

The landscape of Turkey is lush.

Being on the beach with the sun setting

The drive to Delphi was so beautiful. Delphi was amazing with the best guide of the trip

The group from Eston. We completely merged with them – kids and parents. It was one complete EF group and not two separate ones like it usually is.

Our tour director Laertes. Very efficient and matter of fact.

We learned that we can travel with carry on luggage only on the way there. Some people are still using just carry on on the way home, while some travellers have picked up a few extra treasures that we couldn’t just leave behind.

The inclusiveness on the cruise, everyone there was so kind and there was always something for people to do while we were cruising

Our tour director, Larry, singing Back Street Boys at karaoke. He was such a good sport even though he had never heard the song before.

Once again I am in awe of the courage of our travellers. Each and everyone one of them impressed me with their maturity, humour and flexibility.

Joe was our youngest traveller ever in YG Travellers. He did great! He had questions, would have interesting conversations and could make us laugh. He even lost a tooth! He was also a hit on the dance floor! ❤️

Nathan was our strong, silent young man on tour. He never complained, was never late, and knew what his comfort boundaries were. He also proved he can really kick a soccer ball! ❤️

Layne was my special buddy, especially going through security. We were a little nervous at the beginning about the security stations and having to explain his medical needs. Sometimes the language barrier made for some charades, but every place we went to understood our situation. By the end, he was totally comfortable going on his own. He is brave, mature and so respectful! ❤️

Allie was our tough prairie girl! She got sideswiped by a person running down the street and took a nasty fall one day. A little ice, a little Tylenol and some rest and she was raring to go again. ❤️

Jacey was our bird fearing observer. She was game for any activity but when birds were involved, she was less than impressed. I loved seeing something interesting/amusing/odd and catching eyes with her as we exchanged wide eyed expressions. ❤️

Bridget was the bravest of all nine of us! She goes to school in Milestone, but was intrigued by our itinerary and decided she wanted to join us on our journey even without knowing the YG students at all or very little. She was a trouper and earned the respect of all of us for her gumption! ❤️

Lindsay and Felecia are gems of the earth. Practical, fun, organized, safety conscious and willing to go along with all activities. They made for a fun week! ❤️

I feel completely blessed that parents allow me the privilege of travelling with their best kids. I love travelling and I love working with teenagers. Being able to work with my chosen age group and doing an activity I enjoy while enabling students to learn history through hands on learning, is me living my best life. Thank you for trusting me with your finest. ❤️

Rome and Athens Day 11, April 19

Travel day!! The trek home has begun. We left the hotel by 9 (midnight at home), and now we sit at the airport. Fingers crossed the snow storm doesn’t deter us!

Yummy treat before boarding.
Leg wrestling on the last night.
Door dash from McDonalds. No more olives, pasta, and gyros for these kids, I guess.
Our boys wanted one last pic with our tour director.
Arrived back in Regina in a snowstorm! All luggage accounted for!

Churchill day 5

Last day visiting the north and it was fantastic!

We went out on the tundra buggies and rubbed Rocky (the bear mascot) for good luck as driver Dylan told us to do the last day we were there. It worked like a charm!

We view multiple bears today. One was a momma and a cub who were very much in sync together. We watched multiple boys who were either sleeping or trudging along. Two of them went to the water’s edge looking for food. We saw one stay at a spot for a long time and when he raised his head, blood was on its due. Our directors thought he was eating probably a seal because it was a red residue. We viewed another one that they had named Anne. She was laying in the sun on a rock looking quite angelic. Connie got a fabulous shot of her rolling on her back.

Ice break up was 125 days ago so these bears haven’t eaten since then. Our leaders were very careful not to agitate them. The “” buggy was around doing their live feed of the bears.

We had a fabulous trip and met some wonderful people.

Leader: Duane Collins from Newfoundland. Runs his own tour company in NFLD and does this for 2 months in the fall.

Buggy driver Dylan.

Dave and Bev Fleming from Pennsylvania. They run a winery there. Quiet and super kind couple.

George and Sally Leonhardt from Pennsylvania and Florida. We had a lot of fun teasing George.

Jeff, Diana, and Michelle Wong from HongKong, Uk and Australia. Family that has lived in multiple countries. Super fun!

Connie. We were the ying and yang again! It was perfect!

Churchill day 5

Last day visiting the north and it was fantastic!

We went out on the tundra buggies and rubbed Rocky (the bear mascot) for good luck as driver Dylan told us to do the last day we were there. It worked like a charm!

We view multiple bears today. One was a momma and a cub who were very much in sync together. We watched multiple boys who were either sleeping or trudging along. Two of them went to the water’s edge looking for food. We saw one stay at a spot for a long time and when he raised his head, blood was on its due. Our directors thought he was eating probably a seal because it was a red residue. We viewed another one that they had named Anne. She was laying in the sun on a rock looking quite angelic. Connie got a fabulous shot of her rolling on her back.

Ice break up was 125 days ago so these bears haven’t eaten since then. Our leaders were very careful not to agitate them. The “” buggy was around doing their live feed of the bears.

We had a fabulous trip and met some wonderful people.

Leader: Duane Collins from Newfoundland. Runs his own tour company in NFLD and does this for 2 months in the fall.

Buggy driver Dylan.

Dave and Bev Fleming from Pennsylvania. They run a winery there. Quiet and super kind couple.

George and Sally Leonhardt from Pennsylvania and Florida. We had a lot of fun teasing George.

Jeff, Diana, and Michelle Wong from HongKong, Uk and Australia. Family that has lived in multiple countries. Super fun!

Connie. We were the ying and yang again! It was perfect!

Chats on the bus…The BEST, the WORST, and the WEIRDEST things our our awesome European trip 2023!!

Best: soccer game on ship, staying in room with Nathan and Joe, Colesseum, cruise, Santorini, freedom of the cruise, donkeys, midnight mass at Mykonos, Delphi, being able to travel with students and parents again!

Worst: near miss with a moped, getting bumped by runner hard, kicking soccer overboard when we didn’t own it, jet lag, crowded Vatican, pools weren’t warm, couldn’t understand guide at Pompeii, continually getting lost on the ship, when the adults got lost in Athens.

Weirdest: seeing human poop on the sidewalk, having a guy try to hold my hand and dance with me, showering while ship was moving, fish nibbling at my feet, zesty guy gave someone a look over with an approving nod, zesty guy started twerking, mesmerizing ants, dance show on the ship, and getting feet nibbled on and being the street attraction with a crowd forming.

Chats on the bus…What was your favourite memory of the entire trip?

Joe: meet kids on cruise and the soccer game, and staying in fancy hotel and sleeping between Layne and Nathan

Layne: going on cruise and meeting kids from Chicago (and the love of his life!)

Allie: clicking with the Eston kids in our group

Jacey: cruise and meeting new people

Bridget: cruise and meeting people

Nathan: cruise meeting people

Lindsay: looking back on the bus and watching our kids interacting with other kids and laughing so hard together

Felecia: karaoking the kids to Summer of 69

Pam: sneaking into the Pantheon while Lindsay got stopped.

Chats on the bus….What is the biggest thing you learned about travel or yourself?

Joe: he likes women

Layne: I’m a lot more mature than I thought I was.

Allie: when I don’t have a parent with me who can fund me, I figured how to budget my money

Jacey: I cannot go to a different continent without a parent.

Bridget: I can travel with people I don’t really know!

Nathan: souvenirs are stupid expensive

Lindsay: I enjoy traveling with teenagers

Felecia: I can do scary things like let fish nibble on my feet

Pam: I knew this before, but it was reenforced on this trip- we are so fortunate to be able to travel the world again and share the experience with each other.

Chats on the bus…How did someone else influence you on this trip?

Bridget: Meghan convinced me to dance on the top deck.

Allie: Layne convinced me to talk to new people on the cruise

Jacey: Harper convinced to get my feet sucked by fish

Joe: the dancers convinced me that it’s ok to ask girls for a kiss on the cheek

Nathan: Billy convinced me to belly dance

Layne: the belly dancer convinced Layne that he likes girls

Lindsay: being pretty proud of Joe for putting himself into new situations and being a favourite.

Felecia: admiring Bridget for putting herself into a group she didn’t really know.

Pam: Lindsay made us get our feet sucked by fish